Thursday, June 28, 2012

Packed AND Ready

Sunny, 103 degrees (fahrenheit)

The weather is a frequent topic of conversation in any discussion with my Grandma Bettye. She's an avid weather-watcher. At any given time, she can rattle off the temperature and forecast of any city which we have friends or family living (New York, Stuart, FL, you name it - she's got it). Grandma Bettye is also a letter-writer. When I'm not at home she sends wonderfully entertaining hand-written letters that include everything from what Mom and Dad are doing to what they ate for dinner, or are planning to have for dinner (food is also a frequent topic of conversation in the Conley house). Because I love the way Grandma Bettye starts her letters and I've so cleverly named my blog to rhyme with my name, I've decided to incorporate the weather theme and start each post as Grandma Bettye would her letter - with the forecast and temperature. Today's weather is especially exciting as Southern Indiana is reaching record highs and will beat the high of Abuja, the "hot" city I'm headed to, by about 20 degrees.  How is that possible?

Now that you have the weather, a small update on trip prep progress.......

If you've seen me or talked to me in the past few days you've probably asked one or both of the following questions "Are you ready?" "Are you packed?"  Depending on when you asked you may have received varying responses, but I am pleased to report that I have FINALLY packed everything in the 2 suitcases and backpack I've allotted myself.  The best news is that it fits AND I'm pretty sure it will be under the 55 pound weight limit!  This is a relief, to say the least. 

I'd like to think that I'm pretty darn good at packing, considering all the moving and travelling I've done, but for weeks I've put off packing or even thinking about packing because of the unpleasantness of it.  How do you fit what you need or think you want for an entire year in a couple suitcases? Good question.  I don't know that I have the answer, but I at least have my answer - for now. 

And am I ready?  The short answer is YES!  I've gone through ups and downs over the last few weeks of feeling prepared and ready to go to feeling the exact opposite.  Now that I've received my visa and my bags are packed, only a few small odds-and-end tasks stand between me and my flight tomorrow evening.  As one of my friends kindly reminded me, I was born ready!  The reality that I am leaving for Nigeria for the year in just over 24 hours has still not sunk in, but at this point, I'm pretty sure it won't before I leave.  Maybe it'll hit me when I get there? 

Next post - from my new home - ABUJA!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Here goes nothin.......

As the countdown until I leave my home, family, and life as I know it, nears 2 days, I am finally writing my first (of hopefully many) posts on this online-journal-of-sorts called a blog.  As many of you know, I was not originally crazy about the idea of keeping a blog.  I don't even like the sound of the word "blog." In fact, it took quite a bit of convincing for me to start keeping a journal to document my last big trip.  You mean it's normal for people to spend time reflecting on their adventures, collecting those thoughts, and writing them down?  The idea was foreign to me.  Turns out, keeping a journal, or at least keeping track of where you've gone and what you've experienced while travelling, is quite beneficial - thanks, Audrey! 

Because I want to share my adventures with friends and family at home, and I'd hate to make everyone read through pages of mass distributed email updates, I decided this blog would be the best forum.  I'm not sure how it will shape up and I can't promise to post every day, every week, or even every couple weeks, but will try to keep you updated on life as time permits. 

I hope you enjoy reading, but if not, don't worry.  It won't hurt my feelings.  I've never been one to read blogs so I totally understand.  If you're not getting the info or the amount of detail that you're looking for - email me!  I'm happy to share and welcome any ideas for new posts.  Happy reading!