Sunday, July 29, 2012

Our "digs"

Mostly cloudy, 85 degrees, 94% humidity
Note: Addition of humidity in the report per Holly and Grandma Bettye's suggestion - thanks guys, great idea! 

Instead of words, I thought I'd update you with pictures this week.  I was hoping a picture post would be quicker than writing one.  Turns out, with the incredible speed of the internet, it was NOT.
The below are all pictures of our place. Not exactly VIP accommodation as some other volunteers (and ALL expats) in Abuja, but it's home and I've grown to love it!

The white spotches you see on my sea green walls are spots I scrubbed so hard (with bleach water) the paint rubbed off.  I think it adds character - as if a sea green room needed more character.

Bedroom - Closet

Big blue bucket for clean water, small blue scooper for pouring the water, and cooking pot to stand in and catch what would go down the drain, which is then poured into the toilet to flush.  We are VERY good at conserving this precious resource.

Living Room

Living Room + Dining Room


Laundry Room
Where is the washer, you ask? She's taking the picture.  That's right - all of my laundry is done by hand - my own hands! Probably one of my least favorite activities.

Front "Yard"


  1. Good job at making home-away-from-home a little homey-er. Sending photos your way soon...along with a CO postcard or two!

  2. wow, buckets! i've been telling my friends this story - whenever i tell anyone 'oh, my friend's in a VSO in nigeria' and people are all 'aaawn how lucky she is, she's probably having a good time' i feel i need to bring them to reality :) btw how long is your hair now? : )
